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We are 10+ years experienced personal trainers with multiple degrees and certifications and have trained hundreds of people in the GTA. We are passionate about helping our clients get the tools that they need to be healthy. We noticed the overwhelming need for mobility for people, regardless of age or fitness level.

We started MOTUS to be able to provide anyone and everyone, no matter what age or fitness level, the tools they need to improve their mobility and joint health - even if they are unable to obtain a personal trainer.

Why is mobility important?

Mobility is incredibly important to one's health and daily functioning

Improving your mobility teaches your joints how to bear load at vulnerable or extreme positions. We typically sustain injuries when performing a movement that is outside of our bodies “comfort” zone or safe range. Increasing mobility  prevents you from getting injuries. It allows you to squat deeper, run faster, and train harder.

Upcoming classes.

We offer events, classes and workshops that utilize KINSTRETCH®, a system based on a meticulous and rigorous investigation of evidence, conducted by physical conditioning and medical experts as it pertains to body control, injury prevention, joint health, and physical longevity.


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Meet the coaches.

A team of passionate trainers of over 10 years experience each, certifications and continuous education, we believe that anyone and everyone can benefit from putting more time and emphasis into their joint health, mobility and range of motion to benefit their health and prevent or promote pain-free movement.

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